Contact Us
Please contact the specific DSST school last attended by the student - Contact info can be found on our schools page
Requests can also be made directly to Denver Public Schools or Aurora Public Schools.
View DSST's Open Records Act Policy Here
Note: This is only for network information, not individual student information - Email
Complete an employment verification request 24/7/360 using our new third party vendor. You can visit or call 1-800-274-9694 to get started! Make sure and set up your account, using this guide, so that you can have access to generate authorization and follow the status of your requests.
Our tours are designed for educators interested in the details of how we run our schools. A half day in length, tours have extensive time for classroom visits, chances to see both a middle and high school, as well as a full rundown on running nine successful urban charter school campuses. Tours begin at 7:45 AM and end at noon. If you are interested in visiting DSST, please complete this form.
For questions about W2s, 401K accounts or other matters related to your time working at DSST, please contact our human resources team at,.
It is the goal of DSST Public Schools that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing or cognitive disabilities. Good faith efforts are being made to ensure that our website complies with web accessibility standards.
View DSST's Evidence of an Accessibility Plan.
The majority of pages in our site are available in HTML format that can be deciphered by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can download Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website. In addition, some documents are in Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets or Google Slides format. Most modern browsers and screen readers can view and decipher Google-based documents. You can learn more about accessibility of Google web products at the Google Accessibility website.
Grades served 6-8
2540 N Scranton St, Aurora, CO 80045

Grades served 9-12
2540 N Scranton St, Aurora, CO 80045

303-524-6305, Fax: 303-802-4228
Grades served 6-8
10825 E 47th Ave Denver, CO 80239

303-524-6305, Fax: 303-802-4228
Grades served 9-10
10825 E 47th Ave Denver, CO 80239

303-524-6320 Fax: 303-524-6218
Grades served 6-8
3111 W. Dartmouth Avenue, Denver, CO 80236

303-524-6320 Fax: 303-524-6218
Grades served 9-12
3111 W. Dartmouth Avenue, Denver, CO 80236

Grades served 6-8
8499 E Stoll Pl, Denver CO 80238

(303) 802-4127 Fax: 303-524-6310
Grades served 9-12
5590 Central Park Blvd. Building 4 Denver, CO 80238

Grades served 6-8
4800 Telluride Street, Building 3, Denver, CO 80249

Grades served 9-12
4800 Telluride Street, Building 2, Denver, CO 80249