Family Resources
Parent & Family Resources
General Resources
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- Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRL) Application
- Lab Safety Contract
- Pay Yearly Student Fees, and Tech Fees.
- Sign Up for a Parking Permit *Spots limited!
- Parent Portal
- LiveSchool
- Interventions Overview
Calendars & Schedules
- Daily Schedules & Bell Times
- DSST: Conservatory Green High School Calendar
- DSST Network High School Calendar
Family Communication
Policies and Procedures
Student Services
Mental Health
- Mental health is our priority. Our educators have been trained in Upstream Education’s trauma-informed, SEL tools and use these tools weekly in advisory. To learn more about their program and tools, visit their website.
Health & Nursing
- General Medication: Fill out General Medication Treatment Release Agreement Form
- Epi-Pen Forms: Colorado Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and Medication Order and Self-Carry Medication Student Contract
- Inhaler Forms: Colorado Asthma Care Plan and Self-Carry Rescue Inhaler Student Contract
- Seizure Medication: Seizure Emergency Care Plan and Medication Order for School and Child Care Settings
- Diabetes Medication: Please bring in forms supplied by your doctor
- Immunizations: Please bring in immunization form from doctor and check out the required vaccines for school attendance
Health & Nursing FAQ
Do I need to bring in my student’s inhaler or epi-pen if they carry it with them at school? No. You just need to bring in their paperwork. Then, the school nurse will call them down to review their self-carry contract. However, you can have two: one your student self-carries and one to keep in the health office.
Does the school nurse check emails during the summer? No. Please make a doctor’s appointment to have your health provider fill out the forms and review your immunization record.
What is the phone number for the school nurse 303-802-4127
Do I really need to turn in immunization paperwork again? Yes. Unfortunately, it is not always up-to-date in the system, maybe your child is missing one immunization or an exemption form, if needed is required each year.
How do I know if my child is up-to-date on immunizations required for high school? Call Denver Health Immunization clinic to schedule an appointment or ask questions at 303-602-3520, check the form above or check out the School Based Health Clinic at no-cost to DPS students at 303-602-8958.
Requirements for Participation
Each student athlete must complete online registration account in order to compete in their season. This will be a one time process during their time in high school, this can be done at anytime but MUST be completed before the start of the season.
Student Athletes will also need a updated physical completed on the first day of tryouts in order to participate in tryouts. Physicals will last a year from the day they are received. If you are child plans to participate in a sport this season please make sure to have both registration and physical completed.
Athletic Program Information
The DSST: CG HS Athletic Program is sanctioned by the Colorado High School Athletic Association and is a member of The Confluence League in the 3A Division.
Our students are able to play any sport we do not offer for Northfield HS through our charter-district partnership. We're thrilled that this allows additional opportunities on-campus for our students! Additionally, any varsity level sports not offered by DSST CGHS may be played at a child's nearest home school or closest school to CGHS that offers a varsity program in that sport.
Additional on-campus sports offered through Northfield HS: Football, Golf, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Basketball, Track & Field, Lacrosse
If you have more questions about our athletic programs at DSST: Conservatory Green High School, please reach out to our Athletic Director, Mike Perez:
Find DSST: CG HS on social media for the latest schedule, updates, and news!