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In partnership with world-class scientists and medical professionals at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus (AMC), AST Owls EXPLORE, CONNECT, and COMMUNICATE within the world of STEM.

  • EXPLORE scientific fields and opportunities through ongoing hands-on experiences, field trips, and seminars in classrooms and in partnership with AMC.
  • CONNECT core scientific ideas through a project-based curriculum, research and engineering projects, and STEM focused extracurriculars.
  • COMMUNICATE through robust content literacy instruction in all classes and engage in authentic scientific literacy through AMC seminars

If you have any questions, or interest in getting involved you can view our engagement opportunities here and/or email: 


Morning Meeting Science Seminars

Science seminars feature local scientists, engineers, and medical professionals including CU Anschutz employees, parents, and researchers from local companies. Click here to see a list of the 2023-2024 speakers, the 2024-2025 list is coming soon! If you have a potential STEM speaker, please reach out to 

Hands-on science class visits from the 2023-2024 school year!

  • 6th grade

    • Denver Museum of Nature and Science - Mission to Mars - Our 6th graders used teamwork, critical thinking, and creativity to solve problems and design the future of space travel. 

    • CU Science Discovery Weather Works - Students learned about temperature, air pressure, the water cycle, and clouds. The program concludes with an “electrifying” demonstration of the properties of static electricity, which produces a current much like lightning.

  • 7th grade

    • Sand Creek Regional Greenway - SCRG visited our classrooms to discuss Colorado ecosystems before we walked to Sand Creek to apply our learning to a local ecosystem.

    • AMC Nutrition & Health - Our mathematicians applied fractions and unit rates to cooking by completing recipes for chocolate chip cookies. 

    • UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit - Students learned how a stroke impacts the human brain, signs of stroke and how they are treated.  They got to explore one of the only Mobile Stroke Units in the country. 

    • UC Health - Stop the Bleed Students applied knowledge of the circulatory system to real life situations by learning how to manage a cut to the human body.  They were able to practice properly dressing a wound and applying a tourniquet. 

  • 8th grade

    • Fiske Planetarium - How can we visualize the solar system using planetarium and how can we differentiate meteorites from Earth rocks?  

    • AMC - Strawberry DNA Extraction - Students applied the scientific method to follow a procedure and extract DNA from strawberries. 

    • Frog Dissection - AMC Scientists helped our students dissect frogs to apply knowledge of human bodies and natural selection, 

Field trips

  • 6th Grade: Denver Zoo Students participated in Make it Blook and Make a Space programs lead by Zoo staff and explored the zoo.

  • 7th grade: Denver Museum of Nature and Science The 7th graders explored how the human body functions in health and disease at the museum.

  • 8th grade: CU Anschutz Animal Research Facility 8th graders discovered how animal models are used in scientific research.

After-school Clubs

  • Nature Club: Students partnered with SCRGW to explore Sand Creek

           Week 1 (Sept. 14) – Nature Walk
           Week 2 (Sept. 21) – Bug Hunt & Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Collection
           Week 3 (Sept. 28) – Water Quality Testing
           Week 4 (Oct. 5) – Vegetation Identification
           Week 5 (Oct. 19) – Trash & Litter Assessment
           Week 6 (Oct. 26) – Reflection & Art Creation

  • AST Science Fair Club - AMC scientists mentored students to prepare and compete in the Denver Metro Regional Science Fair, multiple groups earned awards at the fair. 


CU science discovery summer camps (scholarships available!)
CU Anschutz career exploration and science exposure opportunities
Student Programs: Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists

Upcoming Local STEAM Events

  • Sand Creek Regional Greenway Sculpture Unveiling

              SATURDAY AUGUST 3RD
              6102 E. 52ND AVE. COMMERCE CITY, CO

              To Register and see other Sand Creek events go to: